Going Home Info
It can very stressful for a kitten to transition to a new home. Everything they once knew is about to change as if they time warped into a different dimension. For this reason, when you pick up your kitten you are provided with just about everything you need and specific instructions as to how to care for your kitten. It’s important that when you bring your kitten home that as little as possible is changed. Changing your kitten’s food, litter or not following vaccination protocols can have fatal consequences. Sphynx, Bambino's, and Minskins are extremely sensitive. Things you may not think are important to follow could be a matter of thrive or survive for your kitten. Keep in mind your kitten has gone through many things in 3 months which is such a short period of time. They were born, had to learn to nurse which is hard for sphynx, Bambino's and Minskins, eat on their own which is another battle with in itself, use the litter box and go through weaning issue which is a huge change for their digestive systems and can be life or death if they don’t transition well and often requires antibiotics. Reactions to vaccinations can often cause them to become sick or come down with the virus or upper respiratory infection. Then finally reaching atleast 18 weeks of age and needs to be atleast 2.5 pounds to get neutered or spayed, and being vaccinated once again. So vaccines can be very harsh on you kitten such as rabies vaccine. I wouldn't give this vaccine plus you kitten will never go outside and risk of getting this anyway. All these mile markers and transitions are not easy to complete. I do my best to have them ready to go at 14 weeks old but sometimes it just isn’t possible when there are complications, or they don’t grow as quickly. I don't like to send kittens to new home if less then a pound and half. So if smaller I many ask to keep them longer due to being small and more vulnerable to becoming I'll due to stress/break down of immune system. I want to stress again that I'm here anytime to help or to answer questions. The health of my kittens are my main priority.
You will be provided with plenty of food for your kitten. You do not need to purchase any food before bringing your kitten home. If you change brands of food please do this slowly. This transition can be hard on you kitten. If you are unsure, please contact me for clarification and get any help you may need along the way. Kittens are fed canned cat food 2 times a day of which will be provided for you in your kitten care package. I feed a mixture of Royal Canin Baby cat, and raw freeze dry Duck meat by Stella and chewy . As far as kibble they are on Nulo kitten which has probotics in it to help digestion. I have dry kibble out all day everyday. Can I give in morning and night. With on kitten I would split small can give half in morning and half in evening for the first few weeks. Then increase as kitten grows. The hard and soft food I keep them in separate dishes and they eat which ever they prefer. They are pretty much the same thing, but baby cat is in smaller pieces. Both are provided for you. Nulo dry kibble kitten is formulated to meet need of cats with sensitive stomachs. Sphynx, Bambinos, and Minskins have a delicate digestive system. Regular kitten often gives them loose stools to diarrhea. You need to know diarrhea in kittens and cats is deadly for them. It isn’t uncommon that a kitten may not eat for the 1st 24 hours when you bring home so do not panic. Just keep calm, give lots of attention, and let them take their time to adjust.
I use Litters Best Cat Litter which is ground up corn base and isn't as dusty. I also mix in cat attract litter at first to help encourage them to keep using litter box. Tiddy cat is a good litter also. Either they have used mixed together so whichever litter you pick they will know already.
Where to keep your kitten
Keep in mind your kitten’s world has been very small. For the 1st few weeks until your kitten is used to your home you should move the litter box into the area it is in. I always recommend starting on bathroom for the first week then expand to bathroom and your bedroom then let wonder in whole house. I recommend a collar bell so it's easier to find them. Kittens can get in some strange places. When you are not home your kitten should be kept in one room preferably your bedroom in which it sleeps with you or bathroom. It is best if you let your kitten sleep with you. They love to snuggle and thrive for companionship. They may walk around crying looking for its sibling, but human companionship will help this transition.
When you take your kitten in for its 48 to 72 -hour wellness check do not allow the vet to give anymore vaccines at this visit. I should have already given 12 to 14 week vaccine so they won't need another until 16 to 18 weeks of age . I provide vaccine and deworming records for you. Your kitten is already under a great deal of stress and another vaccine would be harmful to your kitten and could kill them. Hairless cats are not like cats with hair. Vaccines and transitions are a huge tax on their immune system. I am not a fan of rabies vaccine. They do more harm them good to these cats. In contract I state they are never to be outdoors so rabies is not needed in my opinion. It's all a matter of choice but please do research on this before giving.
Bathing and Ear Cleaning
Contrary to what you read Hairless cats do not need and should not be bathed once a week. When you bath them you strip the oils from their skin and they quickly start over producing it which is what creates an oily dirty cat. It quickly turns into a vicious cycle. Hairless cats clean themselves like regular cats. They do not need bathes for health reasons. Occasional bathes are fine but if you want your hairless to stay clean and not greasy it’s best to leave their skin alone, so it stays balanced. An ear cleaning kit are recommend due to hairless do produce wax. You cat get a cat ear cleaner. I use mineral oil, q tips and baby wipes to clean my cats ears. Ears should be cleaned once a week.
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Important going home info for kittens
Important going home info for kittens
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